Stelo Blog / iSeries Data Replication

iSeries Data Replication With Stelo

iSeries Data Replication With Stelo

Heterogeneous real-time data replication for iSeries and AS/400

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IBM DB2 LUW Data Replication With SQDR

IBM DB2 LUW Data Replication With SQDR

IBM DB2 LUW Data Replication With SQDR Overview IBM DB2 LUW data replication with SQDR replicates data in real-time from iSeries and AS400 databases to other relational databases, the cloud, and Big Data stores. SQDR utilizes log-based change data capture to minimize latency, maximize …

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IBM DB2 for i Data Replication With Stelo

IBM DB2 for i Data Replication With Stelo

Overview IBM DB2 for i data replication with Stelo replicates data in real-time from iSeries and AS400 databases to other relational databases, No-SQL repositories and Big Data stores. Stelo utilizes journal-based change data capture to minimize latency, maximize scalability, ensure a …

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Avoid These Pitfalls When Creating an iSeries Replica in Dynamic Environments

Avoid These Pitfalls When Creating an iSeries Replica in Dynamic Environments

A new, high visibility project is given to you that simply requires a dataset to be deployed on SQL Server with data that resides on an iSeries. What could be easier?

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